Filter the filter

I’m not a heavy user of Instagram but I enjoy its easiness – take a picture, make it look better, and share it. Thanks to Statigram I know that I use Instagram mostly on Fridays, I publish 88% of the photos with filter and that the filter I use more is X-Pro II.

Recently I discovered that is possible to use more than one filter on the same picture:

1. Take a picture with instagram (or retrieve it from your Camera Roll)

2. Apply a filter and tapĀ Next.

3. Wait a couple of seconds on this screen. Your picture will be saved in your Camera Roll without the need of publishing it.

4. Press Back twice and retrieve your picture (already filtered) using the bottom-left icon. Adjust the crop, and press Next.

5. Apply the new filter and publish.

This is an example of a picture taken from Waterloo Bridge (London), after applying two filters (Apollo and then Hefe) to combine a vignetting and the color levels:

This serie is the original picture, only with the Apollo filter and only with Hefe filter:

I wondered how a picture would look like after applying sequentially all the available filters, so I did using this picture taken at Copenhagen lakes:

The picture is progressively degraded, but I like how it looks in the third row for example where is still possible to guess what’s in it, and some contours are still well defined.

This is the same process using the inverse order of the filters:

The last frame reminds me a burnt frame of a film in a projector.

Conclusion: the order of the filters DOES affect the product :)

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