Posts Tagged ‘usability’

· objects talk about their usage ·

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Sometimes we wonder ‘if objects could talk…’ – in some way, they do. By analising the wear or the state in a given moment we know how people use them. We could say that it is the most non-intrusive method for testing usability.

Brighter keys tell us which letters I use most on my laptop’s keyboard. I see I use the left ‘apple key’ more than I use the right one, and I tap the ‘space bar’ on the outer edges.

We can draw some conclusions from observing the convex shape of this ad stand: a) posters are tipically larger than half the height of the stand, b) posters have more visibility in the mid-height position, c) sticking the posters ad mid-height is easier than sticking them at any other position on the stand, d) …