Posts Tagged ‘start’

The first frame of my thesis

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Some time ago I made my first stop motion movie:

I found one piece of play-dough and I started modelling it randomly, taking a picture for every frame. During the process (it took around 2 hours) I didn’t know what the result would be, how long the video would last, if it would be too jumpy between frames, etc.

Afterwards I put the frames together with Flash, I pressed play, and… magic! I really liked the combination of a patient process pursuing an uncertain result, and the surprise of seeing the small thing coming alive.

At that moment I thought that could be really interesting to transport this feeling to the kids, help them going through the process and see their reaction when they could see the result of their work and patience. I imagined a product that allows children to create their stories in a really simple way, and then a community to exchange these movies, and be inspired by others’ animations.

I take this as the first frame for my thesis. It will be a short and intense movie, hopefully with a happy end!